SellerBoard vs. Avalara

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As the e-commerce landscape grows, especially on platforms like Amazon, sellers are looking for the best tools to help streamline their operations. Two such tools, SellerBoard and Avalara, have been at the forefront of providing essential services to Amazon sellers. In this detailed comparison, we will explore each service’s features, pricing, usability, and how they stack up against each other.

What Are the Usages of SellerBoard?

SellerBoard is an analytics service specifically designed for Amazon sellers. It focuses on real-time profit analytics and provides a suite of tools to monitor expenses, track profit margins, and manage inventory. It’s known for its financial dashboard that gives sellers an instant overview of their business health, including aspects like FBA fees, return costs, and PPC campaigns. Additionally, SellerBoard offers inventory forecasting, loss prevention, and reimbursement assistance for Amazon’s logistical discrepancies.

What Are the Usages of Avalara?

Avalara, on the other hand, is a cloud-based software suite that specializes in tax compliance. It offers solutions for various tax-related issues, including calculation, filing, and documentation. For Amazon sellers, Avalara’s most significant service is its ability to automate sales tax calculations across multiple jurisdictions, which is critical given the complexity of tax laws in different states and countries. It integrates seamlessly with Amazon’s systems to provide real-time tax calculations, ensuring that sellers stay compliant with ever-changing tax regulations.

Pros & Cons of SellerBoard


  • Tailored specifically for Amazon sellers.
  • Real-time profit tracking allows for quick decision-making.
  • Offers an extensive set of tools for inventory management and financial oversight.
  • User-friendly interface with a focus on financial data.


  • Limited to financial management and does not handle tax compliance.
  • May require a learning curve for sellers not familiar with financial analytics.

Pros & Cons of Avalara


  • Comprehensive tax compliance solution that covers a wide range of jurisdictions.
  • Real-time tax rate calculations reduce the risk of errors and non-compliance.
  • It’s scalable, catering to both small sellers and large enterprises.
  • Offers a vast array of integrations with e-commerce platforms beyond Amazon.


  • May be more complex than necessary for sellers who only operate in one or a few locations.
  • The pricing model can become expensive as transactions increase.
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Pricing Comparison of SellerBoard vs. Avalara 

Pricing is a crucial factor for any business, and our October 2023 update reflects the latest figures. SellerBoard operates on a subscription model with tiers based on the number of orders, starting at a competitive price for smaller sellers and scaling up based on volume. They often offer a free trial, allowing sellers to experience the service before committing. Avalara, given its expansive feature set, typically comes in at a higher price point. It provides custom pricing based on the business size, number of transactions, and complexity of tax compliance needs. Avalara may also offer a free trial or consultation to assess the seller’s requirements.

Features of SellerBoard vs. Avalara

When it comes to features, SellerBoard shines with its inventory forecasting, financial dashboards, and PPC optimization tools. It’s a powerhouse for the financial side of running an Amazon business. Avalara’s standout features include its tax content database, exemption certificate management, and detailed reporting capabilities. It’s built to handle the tax side of e-commerce with ease and efficiency.

Ease of Use Comparison

SellerBoard touts a user-friendly interface with straightforward navigation, aimed at making financial management accessible. The dashboard is designed for quick insights and easy actions. Avalara has a steeper learning curve due to the complexity of tax compliance, but it invests heavily in customer support and educational resources to facilitate usage. Its interface is professional and caters to those who need comprehensive tax management tools.

Which Tool is Better for Amazon Sellers?

The choice between SellerBoard and Avalara depends on the specific needs of the Amazon seller. If the primary need is financial oversight and profit tracking, SellerBoard may be the ideal choice. However, for sellers who need robust tax compliance support, especially those operating in multiple jurisdictions or at a larger scale, Avalara could be the more suitable option.

Integration and Compatibility

It’s crucial to understand how these tools integrate with existing seller systems and workflows. Seamless integration can save time and prevent errors, a factor that should weigh heavily in the decision-making process.

Customer Support and Resources

Both platforms offer customer support, but the quality and availability of this support can be a deal-breaker for sellers who rely heavily on these services for daily operations.

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Long-term Scalability

As businesses grow, their needs evolve. Sellers should consider not only their current needs but also how their chosen tool will serve them as they scale their operations. By evaluating SellerBoard and Avalara across all these factors, Amazon sellers can make an informed choice that aligns with their business objectives. At Scan Fair, we understand that the right tools can make all the difference in the competitive world of Amazon selling. We’re committed to providing our readers with the latest, most comprehensive reviews to help you succeed.


Both SellerBoard and Avalara offer valuable services to Amazon sellers, but they cater to different aspects of the business. SellerBoard is a go-to for financial analytics and inventory management, while Avalara excels in tax compliance. Amazon sellers must assess their primary needs and consider the size and scope of their operations before making a decision.

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